Sunday 8 September 2024

Why create God? Thoughts at a funeral

I recently attended a funeral at the local crematorium with about 17 mourners. I didn't really know the deceased, though he was someone known to my wife, and I had developed an indirect liking for the man.

Two months ago a friend only had a couple of people at his cremation, but invited friends to think about him on the day, which my wife and I did.

Earlier this year I attended a funeral at my church of a member of the congregation. The church was packed with family and friends.

When Queen Elizabeth died two years ago, millions of people across the world mourned her death and watch the funeral on television.

Meanwhile, people all across the world die with no-one to mourn them. 

Are some of these people of more 'value' than others? Is the life of one more meaningful than that of another? Humanly, it is difficult not to draw that conclusion. We may say 'all human life is worth the same', but it is difficult, really, to believe it. 

So, we invent a God for whom it is true.

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